About me



Who I am

兵庫県在住の21歳、2002年生まれ。高校卒業後はリゾートバイトなど様々なことを経験。 趣味はNBA(バスケットボール)を見ることと、なんとなく興味を持って始めてから今も継続している英語です。健康第一。

I was born in 2002 and raised in Hyogo, Japan. I have experienced many things since graduating from high school. My hobby is to watch a game of basketball. also I have been learning English since I was intersted in it which is somehow interesting. Health is the most important things for life.


始めはHTMLやCSSを使ったWebサイトの構築から始めました。その後JavaScriptを書いたりWordPress構築、また興味本位で簡単な Webアプリ作成なども取り組みました。個人で仕事を受注させていただいた経験もいくつかあります。

I started to built Website using HTML and CSS. afterwards, I coded in JavaScript builted WordPress. also I also explored creating simple web applications out of personal interest. Additionally, I have some experience working independently and took on several projects.



Actually, I don't think I definitely want to be an software engineer. I just have continued because I started for my interests. As I did it in my spare time, things I could do were increasing. English is as well. At present, I don't have a specific career goal in mind; instead, I want to gain diverse experiences to explore what I really want to do.

Feel free to contact. Feel free to contact.

Feel free to contact. Feel free to contact.